Three Years Participating in Give for Good Louisville

Every September the Community Foundation hosts Give for Good Louisville, an annual giving day with more than 500 local participating nonprofits. Leading up to the giving day, the Foundation offers multiple resources to support these nonprofits, including a toolkit and virtual trainings. We spoke to Sonja Grey, Executive Director of Exploited Children’s Help Organization’s (ECHO) who has participated in Give for Good Louisville the past three years. Check out her responses below.

Why do you participate in Give for Good Louisville year after year?

ECHO participates each year to help promote and support the great work of all our nonprofits in the Louisville area. Give for Good Louisville provides an opportunity to expose ECHO to the community on a larger platform and allows us to share our mission of the organization, which is to combat child abuse.

What has ECHO been able to do now that you haven’t been able to do before thanks to the dollars raised and new donors gained through Give for Good Louisville?​

ECHO has been able to acquire new donors, which has allowed us to receive more funding to dedicate to our program. The funding received from Give for Good Louisville helps to keep ECHO’s program free of cost for both public and private schools, youth-serving organizations, and businesses.

Have you participated in the Give for Good trainings?

​In the past, ECHO has participated with several of the trainings provided. We find them very informative, supportive to the cause, and stimulates the creativity around fundraising and donor giving.

Here is a schedule to the trainings for this year’s participating nonprofits.

On average, nonprofits gained 20 new donors through Give for Good in 2020. How has acquiring new donors through this event helped your organization? ​

Acquiring new donors is important to any nonprofit organization. For ECHO and acquiring new donors, it was an opportunity to share more about what we do as an organization, but most importantly it provided an avenue for individuals to become engaged with our organization to some capacity, whether as a new donor, potential sponsor for an event, or a dedicated volunteer to the organization.

Why do you think it’s important for nonprofits to participate in Give for Good?

​ I feel it’s important for nonprofits to participate because it’s one time in the city our community can see a united front of many nonprofits in the area and all the resources and services that are offered. We have a chance to share information about our mission and programs as well as collaborate and develop partnerships so that we can better serve the community.

Nonprofit registration for Give for Good Louisville 2021 is open through June 30. Register your nonprofit today.



For more than 30 years, ECHO has served as a catalyst in child abuse prevention education for children, youth, and adults. ECHO’s mission is dedicated to preventing and reducing the incidence and impact of child abuse by providing education, advocacy, and support services to the children and families of Metro Louisville.

ECHO teaches children about universal strategies and Safety Rules that apply to bullying, cyberbullying, digital dangers, and all types of child abuse. They also find it equally important to educate adults within our community and teaches them how to recognize, react, and report child abuse, because ultimately it is the responsibility of adults to keep our children safe! The program helps to empower the voices of children, educate adults, and seeks to create a stronger and safer community for all!


Communities from across Kentucky and Southern Indiana join forces to give vital support to 500+ participating nonprofits creating positive change for thousands of individuals in need. The Community Foundation invites everyone to be a force for good when this year’s giving day returns on Friday, September 17, 2021.

Leading up to the giving day, the Foundation will support nonprofits by offering online resources in the Nonprofit Toolkit, as well as training opportunities and webinars to teach about giving day best practices. The Foundation will also help increase the impact of the community’s donations by giving out prize incentives throughout the giving day funded by our generous community partners. Register your nonprofit today.

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